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The God We Can Know
Welcome and Introduction
The God We Can Know - Introduction
Week 1 - Knowing the Great ''I Am''
Session 1 - Video (10:07)
Session 1 - Scripture: Exodus 3:1-14
Session 1 - Reading
Week 2 - ''I Am the Bread of Life'': Knowing God's Satisfaction
Session 2 - Video (8:46)
Session 2 - Scripture: John 6:27-59
Session 2 - Reading
Week 3 - ''I Am the Light of the World'': Knowing God's Guidance
Session 3 - Video (6:35)
Session 3 - Scripture: John 7:2, 14; 8:12
Session 3 - Reading
Week 4 - ''I Am the Good Shepherd'': Knowing God's Care
Session 4 - Video (8:04)
Session 4 - Scripture: John 10:1-10
Session 4 - Reading
Week 5 - ''I Am the True Vine'': Knowing God's Power
Session 5 - Video (8:24)
Session 5 - Scripture: John 15:1-8
Session 5 - Reading
Week 6 - ''I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life'' : Knowing God's Way
Session 6 - Video (8:57)
Session 6 - Scripture: John 14:1-7
Session 6 - Reading
Week 7 - "I Am the Resurrection and the Life" : Knowing God's Possibilities
Session 7 - Video (8:00)
Session 7 - Scripture: John 11:17-26
Session 7 - Reading
Session 6 - Video
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