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Fully Human, Fully Divine
Welcome Message
VIDEO | Introduction (Part 1) (7:12)
VIDEO | Introduction (Part 2) (8:58)
Introduce Yourself
Introductory Material
An Advent Poem
Preparing for Christmas
Embodiment as Presence
Contemplative Practices to Explore
How to Use This Devotional
Create Purposeful Space
Week 1: Slow Down and Hope
VIDEO | Week 1 with Whitney (3:47)
Introduction to Week 1
Day 1: Breath Prayer
Day 2: Mindful Movement (3:49)
Day 3: Lectio Divina
Day 4: Visio Divina
Day 5: Christian Meditation
Day 6: Creative Contemplation
Day 7: Practicing Presence
Week 2: Simplify for Peace
VIDEO | Week 2 with Whitney (3:55)
Introduction to Week 2
Day 8: Breath Prayer
Day 9: Mindful Movement (2:53)
Day 10: Lectio Divina
Day 11: Visio Divina
Day 12: Christian Meditation
Day 13: Creative Contemplation
Day 14: Practicing Presence
Week 3: Sit with Joy
VIDEO | Week 3 with Whitney (4:04)
Introduction to Week 3
Day 15: Breath Prayer
Day 16: Mindful Movement
Day 17: Lectio Divina
Day 18: Visio Divina
Day 19: Christian Meditation
Day 20: Creative Contemplation
Day 21: Practicing Presence
Week 4: Savor God's Love
VIDEO | Week 4 with Whitney (3:18)
Introduction to Week 4
Day 22: Breath Prayer
Day 23: Mindful Movement
Day 24: Lectio Divina
Day 25: Visio Divina
Day 26: Christian Meditation
Day 27: Creative Contemplation
Day 28: Practicing Presence
Merry Christmas
VIDEO | Merry Christmas (0:57)
Christmas Comments
Contemplation Beyond Christmas
Bonus Content
Small-Group Suggestions
Creating Safe Sacred Space for Small Groups
About the Author & Artist
VIDEO | Week 1 with Whitney
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