Fully Human, Fully Divine
An Embodied Advent
To embody an idea is to give a concept tangible human form—Something we can touch; Something we can feel. This Advent, author Whitney Simpson invites us to embody the season and embrace the concepts and ideas of the Advent season fully, with our whole selves. Her new resource, Fully Human, Fully Divine, challenges us to live in the “right here, right now” as we await the birth of Christ—the embodiment of God’s presence—who modeled for us what it meant to be both fully human and fully divine.
During a season that can often become stressful and overwhelming, we are rarely permitted time to be present in our own bodies. We forget that our bodies are blessed and consecrated. God did not create the body to bring us doubt or shame. Instead, God created us as living, breathing human beings who have the ability to live wholly—body and spirit together. This resource invites us to practice our humanity aware of the light of Christ within us.
Accompanying the book is the Online Experience, in which the author and Upper Room staff will guide us in practices intended to turn our focus to the bodies God created and embrace what it means to be fully human. Together, we will learn to let go of external demands and give ourselves permission to be present as we listen for God in our lives.
Each week of Advent will focus on one theme: Slow Down and Hope, Simplify for Peace, Sit with Joy, and Savor God’s Love. Within each week, we’ll experience a rotation of daily practices including breath prayer, mindful movement, lectio divina, visio divina (which utilizes beautiful, colorful works of art each week), Christian meditation, creative contemplation, and practicing presence.
Our Online Experience includes:
- Recordings of weekly live sessions led by Sharon Conley Cottingham and Upper Room staff members (via Zoom) throughout Advent 2022.
- Daily readings through the weeks of Advent.
- Guided spiritual practices (daily) via video with Whitney Simpson, audio recordings, and written guides.
To purchase a print version of Fully Human, Fully Divine, visit The Upper Room online store.
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Your Instructor
Deaconess Whitney R. Simpson is the Founder of Exploring Peace Ministries. She is a soul care practitioner, helping others reach their fullest human potential as they explore the gift of God’s peace. Whitney is a trained spiritual director, experienced yoga and meditation teacher, and the author of Holy Listening with Breath, Body, and the Spirit and Fully Human, Fully Divine: An Advent Devotional for the Whole Self. Whitney holds space for others to meet God through embodied spirituality and the ministry of spiritual formation. Discover more of her ministry offerings at ExploringPeace.com. You can connect with Whitney directly at WhitneyRSimpson.com.