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Worship in Light of the Cross
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Video (62:39)
Week One
Gathering: Forming Community
Day One: If and Then
Day Two: The Plan
Day Three: Boundary Breaking
Day Four: Counterintuitive
Day Five: Search and Rescue
Day Six: Transformed Relationship
Weekly Call to Action and Discussion
Group Guide for Week One
Week Two
Invocation: Attending to the Holy
Day One: Do You Not Fear God?
Day Two: Who Is This?
Day Three: Holy Grounding
Day Four: The Anointed
Day Five: Surprise!
Day Six: Truly
Weekly Call to Action and Discussion
Group Guide for Week Two
Week Three
Confession: Honest to God
Day One: Baring the Heart
Day Two: Release
Day Three: Intercession
Day Four: The Woman Who Schooled Jesus
Day Five: Outcry
Day Six: Is Anybody There?
Weekly Call to Action and Discussion
Group Guide for Week Three
Week Four
Proclamation: Gospel as Truth-Telling
Day One: A Fool's Errand
Day Two: Discerning the Season
Day Three: From Ashes to Garlands
Day Four: Afflicting the Comfortable
Day Five: Bottom Line
Day Six: Simplicity and Transformation
Weekly Call to Action and Discussion
Group Guide for Week Four
Week Five
Creed: Owning the Faith
Day One: Follow-Through
Day Two: Who(se) We Are
Day Three: An Astonishing Thing
Day Four: We Shall Not Fear
Day Five: Compelled
Day Six: Renunciation
Weekly Call to Action and Discussion
Group Guide for Week Five
Week Six
Response: Stepping Out
Day One: Taking the Point
Day Two: Go Where I Send Thee
Day Three: Not in My Backyard
Day Four: Fieldwork
Day Five: Disturbers of the Peace
Day Six: Entrusting Self to God
Weekly Call to Action and Discussion
Group Guide for Week Six
Holy Week
Sacrament: Recognizing God
Maundy Thursday: Foretaste
Good Friday: He Descended into Hell
Holy Saturday: Sabbath Vigil
Easter Sunday: Fleeting Recognition
Holy Week Discussion Questions
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Day One: Follow-Through
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