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Walking in the Wilderness
Preparing for Ash Wednesday (3:59)
Introduction to Lent
Lent and this eCourse
Introduce Yourself
Together in this Space
A place to share, pray, and comment.
First Four Days in Lent
Day 1: Return | Ash Wednesday
Day 2: Wilderness
Day 3: Fast
Day 4: Presence
First Week in Lent
First Sunday in Lent: Being Present
Day 5: Belonging
Day 6: Beloved
Day 7: Honesty
Day 8: Grief
Day 9: Tears
Day 10: Remember
Second Week in Lent
Second Sunday in Lent: Lament
Day 11: Lament
Day 12: Healing
Day 13: Hope
Day 14: Humility
Day 15: Intimacy
Day 16: Hunger
Third Week in Lent
Third Sunday in Lent: Lectio Divina
Day 17: Prayer
Day 18: Grace
Day 19: Light
Day 20: Faithfulness
Day 21: Acceptance
Day 22: Trust
Fourth Sunday in Lent
Fourth Sunday in Lent: Trust
Day 23: Tenderness
Day 24: Breathe
Day 25: Reconciliation
Day 26: Watch
Day 27: Creation
Day 28: Rest
Fifth Week in Lent
Fifth Sunday in Lent: Compassion
Day 29: Restoration
Day 30: Confession
Day 31: Love
Day 32: Willingness
Day 33: Transformation
Day 34: Hospitality
Sixth Week in Lent
Sixth Sunday in Lent: Hospitality | Palm/Passion Sunday
Day 35: Compassion
Day 36: Blessing
Day 37: Betrayal
Day 38: Sorrow | Maundy Thursday
Day 39: Death | Good Friday
Day 40: Wait | Holy Saturday
Holy Week — Videos & Comments
Maundy Thursday
Good Friday
Easter Sunday
Easter: Friend
Bonus Content
Small-Group Guide
Litanies for Worship
Day 15: Intimacy
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