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Prayer, Stress, and Our Inner Wounds
Welcome to Prayer, Stress, and Our Inner Wounds
Meet Flora [Audio Recording - 54 Minute Interview]
Chapter 1 - "Our Hurting and Hungering"
Chapter 2 - "The Prayer That Nurtures"
Chapter 3 - "With Christ to the Painful Past"
Chapter 4 - "With Christ to Deep, Forgotten Pain"
Chapter 5 - "With Christ to the Uncertain Future"
Chapter 6 - "Depth Prayer for Our Central Inner Problem"
Chapter 7 - "Prayer for the Hurts of the World"
Chapter 8 - "Prayer through the Stressful Day"
Chapter 9 - "The Adventure of the Transformed Self"
Chapter 10 - "Spiritual Help for Christian Leaders"
Farewell and thank you!
Our hope and prayer
Meet Flora [Audio Recording - 54 Minute Interview]
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