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Listening through Lent
Welcome and Introductions
Welcome from Sharon Conley Cottingham
Introduce Yourself
Comments and Reflections
Webinar Recording
First Four Days in Lent
Introduction Video with James C. Howell (4:35)
Introduction: In the Bulb There Is a Flower
Day 1: When I Survey | Ash Wednesday
Day 2: Take My Moments
Day 3: Every Rung Climbs Higher
Day 4: His Faithful Follower I Would Be
First Week in Lent
First Week in Lent: Video (5:37)
First Week in Lent: Merciful and Mighty
First Sunday in Lent: God in Three Persons
Day 5: Here I Am
Day 6: Our God, Our Help
Day 7: How Great Thou Art
Day 8: And Take Me Home
Day 9: One Little Word Shall Fell Him
Day 10: A Place of Quiet Rest
Hymn of the Week: “Holy, Holy, Holy” (3:51)
Second Week in Lent
Second Week in Lent: Video (5:31)
Second Week in Lent: Beautiful Savior
Second Sunday in Lent: Fairest Lord Jesus
Day 11: You Have Come to the Lakeshore
Day 12: Beyond the Sacred Page
Day 13: What a Friend We Have
Day 14: Jesus, Lover
Day 15: Cleft for Me
Day 16: Little Ones to Him Belong
Hymn of the Week: “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” (2:00)
Third Week in Lent
Third Week in Lent: Video (6:21)
Third Week in Lent: Prone to Wander
Third Sunday in Lent: Raise Mine Ebenezer
Day 17: Ten Thousand Charms
Day 18: To Rid My Soul of One Dark Blot
Day 19: All Loves Excelling
Day 20: A Thousand Tongues
Day 21: It Is Well
Day 22: Feed Me Til I Want No More
Hymn of the Week #1: “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling” (4:44)
Hymn of the Week #2: “It Is Well with My Soul” (5:00)
Fourth Week in Lent
Fourth Week in Lent: Video (5:24)
Fourth Week in Lent: Thy Presence My Light
Fourth Sunday in Lent: Still Be My Vision
Day 23: Thou Traveler Unknown
Day 24: Everyone Born
Day 25: His Eye Is on the Sparrow
Day 26: While I’ve Breath
Day 27: Mystic Sweet Communion
Day 28: Lift High the Cross
Hymn of the Week: "Be Thou My Vision" (2:31)
Fifth Week in Lent
Fifth Week in Lent: Video (6:40)
Fifth Week in Lent: With Joy Surround You
Fifth Sunday in Lent: Hearts Unfold like Flowers
Day 29: Morning by Morning, New Mercies
Day 30: Purple Mountain Majesties
Day 31: The Song of Harvest Home
Day 32: Music for Thy Lord to Hear
Day 33: Of Tender Heart, Forgiving Others
Day 34: Our Sister, Bodily Death
Hymn of the Week: "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee" (3:27)
Sixth Week in Lent
Sixth Week in Lent: Video (6:54)
Sixth Week in Lent: Stony the Road
Palm Sunday: The Stories of Jesus
Day 35: Save Us from Weak Resignation
Day 36: Wonderful Words
Day 37: Abide with Me
Day 38: Handle Things Unseen | Maundy Thursday
Day 39: O Sacred Head | Good Friday
Day 40: Were You There?
Hymn of the Week: “God of Grace and God of Glory” (3:35)
Easter: Video (5:22)
Easter: Love’s Redeeming Work
Easter Sunday: Soar We Now
Easter Monday: I Come to the Garden Alone
Epilogue: Something God Alone Can See
Hymn of the Week #1: “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today” (3:44)
Hymn of the Week #2: “Hymn of Promise” (2:53)
Bonus Content
Leader's Guide: Introduction
Leader's Guide: First Week in Lent
Leader's Guide: Second Week in Lent
Leader's Guide: Third Week in Lent
Leader's Guide: Fourth Week in Lent
Leader's Guide: Fifth Week in Lent
Leader's Guide: Sixth Week in Lent
Leader's Guide: Easter
Leader's Guide: Third Week in Lent
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