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Facing Financial Struggle
Welcome from Wessel (3:31)
Week One
Week One Prayer Journal
Day 1 - Dealing with Shame
Day 2 - Dealing with Guilt
Day 3 - God Cares
Day 4 - Speak to your Spouse and Relatives
Day 5 - Speak to a Financial Adviser
Day 6 - A Lesson in Listening to Advice
Day 7 - Celebrate Community
Video (2:30)
Week Two
Week Two Prayer Journal
Day 8 - Creating a Budget
Day 9 - Being Content
Day 10 - Remembering the Past
Day 11 - Looking to Tomorrow
Day 12 - Living Today
Day 13 - Giving Thanks
Day 14 - Celebrate Order
Video (3:01)
Week Three
Week Three Prayer Journal
Day 15 - The Difference between Needs and Wants
Day 16 - Saying No to the Small Temptations
Day 17 - Don't Waste
Day 18 - Know Your Priorities
Day 19 - Know Your Limits
Day 20 - God Knows Your Motives
Day 21 - Celebrate Discipline
Video (3:19)
Week Four
Week Four Prayer Journal
Day 22 - Stop Trying to be Wealthy
Day 23 - Trust in God
Day 24 - Earn All You Can
Day 25 - Save All You Can
Day 26 - Give All You Can
Day 27 - Resort to Prayer
Day 28 - Celebrate the Gift of Life
Video (3:33)
Farewell from Wessel (2:49)
Day 9 - Being Content
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