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Child of the Light
Welcome to Child of the Light
Overview of Child of the Light
Introduce Yourself!
First Week of Advent: Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus
Webinar with Beth recorded Monday, December 2 (41:25)
Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus
Sunday: Song Prayer
Monday: Advent Hospitality
Tuesday: One Who Sets Us Free
Wednesday: One Who Frees Us from Fear
Thursday: One Who Gives Us Rest
Friday: One Who Comforts Us
Saturday: Practicing Radical Hospitality
Share a Prayer
Second Week of Advent: I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light
Webinar with Beth recorded Monday, December 9 (35:40)
I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light
Sunday: Song Prayer
Monday: Seasons of Darkness and Light
Tuesday: Hungering for God
Wednesday: The Empty Place Within
Thursday: Children of Action
Friday: God Is Present
Saturday: Shine in My Heart
Share a Prayer
Third Week of Advent: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
Webinar with Beth Recorded Monday, December 16 (25:06)
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
Sunday: Song-Prayer
Monday: Prayer Movement
Tuesday: Rejoice! Rejoice!
Wednesday: Ransom the Captives
Thursday: Those Who Mourn
Friday: God of Many Names
Saturday: One Heart and Mind
Share a Prayer
Fourth Week of Advent: Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming
Week Four Recording with Beth (24:11)
Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming
Sunday: Song Prayer
Monday: Mary Listened
Tuesday: Mary Trusted
Wednesday: Mary Believed
Thursday: Mary Waited
Friday: Mary Praised
Share a Prayer
Looking for More? (0:27)
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day: What Child Is This?
What Child Is This?
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Share a Joy
Christmas and Epiphany: Away in a Manger and other Christmas Favorites
Away in a Manger and other Christmas Favorites
December 26: Second Day of Christmas
December 27: Third Day of Christmas
December 28: Fourth Day of Christmas
December 29: Fifth Day of Christmas
December 30: Sixth Day of Christmas
Week Five Recording with Beth (25:57)
New Year's Eve - December 31: Seventh Day of Christmas
January 1: Eighth Day of Christmas
January 2: Ninth Day of Christmas
January 3: Tenth Day of Christmas
January 4: Eleventh Day of Christmas
January 5: Twelfth Day of Christmas
January 6: Epiphany - Three Kings' Day
Epiphany Recording with Beth (24:38)
Share a Blessing
Looking for More? (0:27)
Saturday: Practicing Radical Hospitality
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