This Blue Christmas
An Experience of Light and Hope in an Unprecedented Advent
The Gospel of John reminds us, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it” (John 1:5). In this season that feels dark to many, as people of faith we have the promise of enduring light. But we’ll need to look for it! What difficulty will the season of Advent hold for you this year? Separation from family? Financial distress? Isolation? The distress of living with the deep unknown? In the midst of the darkness, there is light!
The Upper Room invites you to join us this Advent as we seek the Light in a season of darkness. Together, we will spend daily time reflecting on the light of the season and engage in times of prayer and reflection on scripture.
Featuring Todd Outcalt’s book Blue Christmas, our online experience will include:
- Daily devotional readings from Blue Christmas: Devotions of Light in a Season of Darkness.
- Guided prayer and scripture readings (audio recordings).
- Space for comments and interaction with other eCourse registrants.
Blue Christmas: Devotions of Light in a Season of Darkness is an honest Advent devotional that meets people where they are—in their hurts, fears, and disappointments—and offers them hope through the birth of Jesus Christ. In our online experience, we’ll gather around this devotional guide to experience scripture, meditation, and prayer, and we will be moved to action together.
To purchase a print version of Blue Christmas, visit The Upper Room online store.
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Your Instructor
Todd Outcalt is a United Methodist pastor, artist, and author of some 40 books in six languages. He is the author of Let Us Go Now to Bethlehem, Blue Christmas, and Praying Through Cancer. He also has been published in The Christian Century, Preaching, Youth Minister, Group, and The Christian Science Monitor. Outcalt has completed the three great pilgrimages of Christendom—Jerusalem, Rome, and the Camino de Santiago. He lives in Brownsburg, Indiana, with his wife, Becky.
Course Content
StartRestore: A Word from Todd (2:15)
StartFirst Sunday of Advent: Looking East
StartFirst Monday of Advent: Humble Beginnings
StartFirst Tuesday of Advent: Look Inside
StartFirst Wednesday of Advent: The 151st Psalm
StartFirst Thursday of Advent: Bondage and Freedom
StartFirst Friday of Advent: Dressing Up
StartFirst Saturday of Advent: Simplicity
StartReflection Question — Week 1
StartPrepare: A Word from Todd (2:39)
StartSecond Sunday of Advent: Greater Strength
StartSecond Monday of Advent: Expectations
StartSecond Tuesday of Advent: Looking Out
StartSecond Wednesday of Advent: New Light
StartSecond Thursday of Advent: Lessons from the Garden
StartSecond Friday of Advent: Who Cares?
StartSecond Saturday of Advent: Hospitality
StartReflection Question — Week 2